Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes improved notifications and small fixes and improvements to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.14.0 - November 24, 2024
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes improved notifications and small fixes and improvements to make Spicer better.
Versão - August 6, 2024
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes visual update to the user interface, colors customizations, PIN screen lock and lots of small improvements to make Spicer better. Enjoy faster and more modern Spicer.
Versão 3.12.0 - August 5, 2024
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes visual update to the user interface, colors customizations, PIN screen lock and lots of small improvements to make Spicer better. Enjoy faster and more modern Spicer.
Versão - June 27, 2024
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes improvements to Calendar. Your Mood is now visible in Calendar and you can add Normal events. See when the mood aligns with your partner. We also fixed a visual issue with Multiple Choice questions, sending image with the camera, opening links in the chat and included small fixes and improvements to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.11.1 - June 21, 2024
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes improvements to Calendar. Your Mood is now visible in Calendar and you can add Normal events. See when the mood aligns with your partner. We also fixed a visual issue with Multiple Choice questions, sending image with the camera, opening links in the chat and included small fixes and improvements to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.11.0 - June 20, 2024
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes improvements to Calendar. Your Mood is now visible in Calendar and you can add Normal events. See when the mood aligns with your partner. We also fixed a visual issue with Multiple Choice questions and included small fixes and improvements to make Spicer better.
Versão - May 20, 2024
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes small fixes and improvements to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.10.6 - May 3, 2024
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes small fixes and improvements to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.10.5 - April 27, 2024
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes small fixes and improvements to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.10.4 - March 6, 2024
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes support for Multi-Level Questions. Ask your partner complex scenarios with Multi-Level Questions. Add up to 3 questions - every next question is displayed when the previous question was answered positively. We also included small fixes and improvements to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.10.3 - January 10, 2024
Thank you for using Spicer! This release improves Open-Ended and Multiple Choice Questions. We also included small fixes and improvements to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.10.2 - November 3, 2023
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes small fixes and improvements.
Versão 3.10.1 - September 4, 2023
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes support for Multiple Choice Questions. Ask your partner anything with Spicer! We also included small fixes and improvements to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.10.0 - July 8, 2023
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes support for Open-Ended Questions. Ask your partner anything with Spicer! We also included small fixes and improvements to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.9.1 - May 18, 2023
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes small fixes and improvements.
Versão 3.9.0 - March 20, 2023
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes improvements to Challenges, support for Portuguese language and small fixes to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.8.14 - February 1, 2023
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes small fixes and improvements.
Versão - December 20, 2022
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes improvements to Dares and Calendar and also small fixes to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.8.13 - December 15, 2022
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes improvements to Dares and Calendar and also small fixes to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.8.12 - November 16, 2022
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes small fixes and improvements.
Versão 3.8.11 - September 15, 2022
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes small fixes and improvements.
Versão 3.8.10 - July 24, 2022
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes new feature to select only specific questions from Plus packs. Also includes small fixes and improvements to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.8.9 - June 2, 2022
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes new "Top of Spicer" packs, allows adding to Wishlist from Matches and new privacy setting. Also includes small fixes and improvements to make Spicer better.
Versão 3.8.8 - April 7, 2022
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes small fixes and improvements.
Versão 3.8.7 - February 18, 2022
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes Mood improvements for busy couples. Schedule your mood for any day in the future. We have also fixed small bugs such as better notifications for Wishlist and custom points for saved Dares.
Versão 3.8.6 - December 8, 2021
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes small fixes and improvements.
Versão 3.8.5 - November 30, 2021
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes small fixes and improvements.
Versão 3.8.4 - November 14, 2021
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes small fixes and improvements, such as better managing of your own packs and adding dares without sending them.
Versão 3.8.3 - October 4, 2021
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes small improvements and fixes connection problems on Android 7.
Versão 3.8.2 - Sep 21, 2021
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes small fixes and improvements, such as better Wishlist handling, Wishlist search and also multi line chat with your partner.
Versão 3.8.0 - Jul 22, 2021
Thank you for using Spicer! This release includes new Wishlist feature. Add questions to Wishlist to show your partner something you want to try. Your partner will see your Wishlist. Partner answered NO to something you really want to try? Use Wishlist to let them reconsider! We have also updated app icon and included lots of small fixes and improvements.